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This is such a beautifully written piece. It's so evocative and I have to confess brought a little tear to my eye. I'm a bit emotional right now as my eldest is preparing to head off to Uni in a fortnight and I find myself thinking back to the school run days with fond nostalgia. Of course, as you said, it's good to remember the days when everything went right rather than the ones that involved dog poo.

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Oh thank you Louise. All the very best to you for your own big transition. And yes, it’s always best to forget the days that involved dog poo 😁

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I feel like the parents need a cupcake for the first day back to school too! Really enjoyed this piece, so gorgeously bittersweet.

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Yes! Cupcakes for parents! Thank you for reading, Abigail.

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Oh this is bittersweet. Beautifully written Laura and reminding me of the many moments of firsts and lasts with my own babies. Breathing in my youngest as I'm typing. So beautiful you have this piece from all those years ago when you were still in it, to revisit and reflect. Here's to a new chapter mama ✨

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Thank you Claudia, there are so many firsts and lasts along the way, aren’t there? I had forgotten that I wrote about the school run until I sat down to write this piece, and now I am grateful to have captured it. So lovely that you have this sweet moment with your littlest.

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So moving 😭 today was my first school run. Equally emotional and filled with uninvited last minute stress... but I am so aware that one day there will be my last school run and I wonder if I’ll be equally emotionally unprepared.

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Awww, sending love to you Vic! The first day is a huge one, I remember it so well. Look after yourself today. 💛

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Sending love. That's a big day - for both of you. I hope there are big hugs and smiles waiting for you at the school gates later.

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And then as if in an instant they grow up and completely leave you, heading out in to the big wide world ready for their own adventures & anxious to create a life that you get to visit from time to time.

I knew that time was coming but oh my gosh it caught me unawares & took me many many months to adjust - a different pace of life minus a child.

It still creeps up unexpectedly in the most random of moments & causes a little intake of breath & a sigh tinged with a sadness I don’t think I will ever quite shake.

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Ahh, Tiffany. I know this is coming (my eldest is fifteen) but I wonder if I will ever be ready. All best to you.

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Life, certainly, isn't meant to be straight lines. Thanks for the reminder that sometimes we will be grumpy and disheveled and if we put one foot in front of the other, we might get another chance to journey this way.

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Always onwards. Thank you for reading.

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Laura, beautifully told. ThNk you for including the Gibran quotes and lovely video. Every mom, dad and teacher need to listen to it!

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It’s so good, isn’t it? My Mum gave me a copy of it when I left home at eighteen and it’s been a lifelong gift.

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Ahhh Laura your words touched my heart as I dropped my son at nursery for his second morning there today and saw him cry as I left. Your words encapsulate the passing of time beautifully, the holding close and the letting go. Thank you for the reminder of Khalil Gibran's words (we had a reading of his words at our wedding) On Children, so much truth in every line. And I relate deeply to the new space that is gradually opening up as he (and I) become comfortable with this new chapter. Hope you are finding a new sense of freedom in yours x

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Oh bless you Lyndsay, that’s a big change. I’m so glad that my words spoke to you. On Children continues to help me so much with the many small farewells of motherhood. All the very best to you both.

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This is another beautiful piece, Laura. For me, here in rural Kent, the phrase 'the school run' has become synonymous with cars, mostly 4x4s, clogging up the head of the village street at either end of the school day. I've never thought of it in the context of 'walking to school,' which is what my sister and I did throughout our primary years, twenty minutes each way, in fair weather and in foul (except on the red letter day when we got so soaked by the rain that Mum turned us around and took us home again). I will never forget the incidents and discoveries of those walks — the pale dog violets, the lords and ladies, the towering cow parsley, the shiny conkers, the tiny fallen apples, hard as stones, that could be made to bound downhill with a well-aimed kick — not necessarily in particular, but in general, with an aura of adventure and contentment (the homeward leg, at least). And I'm sure your children will look back upon them fondly, too.

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Walking to school is such a lovely way to watch the seasons change, isn't it? There is a cherry tree on one corner of the walk to my son's school that I will have to continue visiting in spring, it's always been such a highlight of our year.

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Such a gorgeous personal story <3

It's so hard to see time pass like this...but you've found beauty here, too.

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Sometimes the passage of time seems more than usually tangible, doesn't it? Thank you for reading Kathleen.

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Ooh I love this. My children are adults now, but it was those small mundane moments like the walk to school that I remember as a happy time. I am certain there were often moments of stress, and I definitely appreciate having the extra time in my day now, but I’m grateful now for those memories of the little things.

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The little things are always the memories we treasure, aren't they? Thank you for reading.

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I loved reading this a beautiful insight into the universal mind of motherhood! There is no describing that feeling of depositing your child at the school gates for the first time, or the day they don't need to hold your hand anymore, there are no words for that chasm that sits inside of you. I am still at the start of this letting go journey and school and the thought of my youngest heading off through the gates too gives me a lump in my throat. We begin Motherhood holding on so tight then realise it is actually an eternal practice of letting go.

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Oh this is so true, yes—an eternal process of letting go! Thank you for reading 🤍

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Today was my first school run - this was a wonderful, heart-wrenching read. Thank you for sharing!

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Aww, that’s a special day! I hope it went well. Thank you for reading.

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Oh this touched my Mama heart today... I’m not yet at the school run phase (next year) but I already feel sad at the thought of it ending... and yet also look forward to having more space to myself. The many contradictions of Motherhood. It’s an ongoing series of bittersweet good byes. Xxx

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Oh, the many contradictions of Motherhood indeed! We are always holding so many feelings at once. Thank you for reading Lauren.

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Phew and there goes your 11 years which during them you bever pucture them ending. You paint reality beautifully, honestly! And I'm calculating 30 plus years since I held that hand ... My son , and our 3 month old grandaughter met me for brunch yesterday, how lucky lucky am I? Yes, bittersweet memories of the days of packed lunches and reading folders but the daily beauty of new ones. Thank you.

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Oh I love hearing of your new and beautiful moments, Jude. So precious, and bittersweet for sure.

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