I feel that thinness between moment and memory sometimes when I look at my sons, I have seen the man and the child at the same time....usually happens when I see in their walk or body language or facial expression something that first became apparent when they were very young. Their essence can be so timeless.

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You paint such a vivid picture of summer with your words. 🩷

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Capturing moments is so important. When we are young, we breeze through wonderful times. As we age, we wish we had relished them. Now we must capture them! A lovely description!

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Your writing makes me feel things Laura. 🌸

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So beautiful... heart balm xx

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Mmm I love these musings on summer. Such beautiful memories, too! Thank you for sharing!

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I'm absolutely with you on that feeling to capture summer forever, and how it seems to whizz by so fast. Maybe it's the structured nature of my working week that makes it feel that way. I yearn to have unstructured summer days again, like when I was a kid.

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So beautiful!

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This is beautiful! 💫☀️

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Gorgeous, evocative. The image of pressed flowers, fading but still a very much loved reminder. The first memory that came for me, the summer after my A levels, 1972, hot, cloudless, 6 weeks before college due to start and playing tennis most days, carefree, fit and tanbed, and those friendships are still strong.

Thank you for your words.

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Your use of description is so beautiful Laura 🌿

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