#10 is so true! Substack does remind me of the early years of blogging, and I enjoy SO much hanging out here with so many inspiring and aspiring writers! But #1 is the one I needed to read today - thank you for the beautiful reminder Laura 💛

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Thank you for sharing. Number 9 in particular resonated. A few weeks ago I was feeling so overwhelmed with Substack. I was comparing and getting disheartened and at the same time feeling panicked that I had to write more. Instead I just walked away. Didn’t check my feed for quite a few days and didn’t even try to write.

I’ve now come back with a clearer head and in a happier place.

P.S. I’ve bought your book but I’m having to wait a while for my mother in law to bring it over to Indonesia from the UK for me!

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Yesss to all of them 🥰

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Interesting . Thanks. I write creative non fiction flash because its all I have time for . Mostly . Every few years or so I seem to become consumed enough by a longer story that I actually write it . Right now Im just throwing the Flash out there when I have the time . If people like it , thats cool. Peace.

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Oh I love that! Thank you for reading. 💫

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Oh thank you so much, so lovely of you to say so! Yes, the opportunity for writers to get paid here is just huge, it makes all the difference in the world.

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This is so beautiful and I am so glad I found you! Number ten is my favourite, and your generous ways online are so heartswelling! 🤍

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Oh I love this post and needed to read it 🙌🏽

9 resonates as I deleted insta app this morning as it was not nourishing me and was overwhelming me.

Also number one, really was a balm to read today 💛 Number 10 got me liking and commenting and I will be conscious to do this more on posts I read and enjoy too. Thank you xxx

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I'm constantly having to remind myself that popular isn't the same as perfect! I'm newish to this platform and while I constantly remind myself that I'm just slowly building my little Substack house so that I can eventually invite people in, I sometimes get frustrated that I can't just get on with it and throw a huge housewarming party already! As a mother-writer-photographer, your words and images resonate so deeply. Thank you, Laura, for your beautiful insights. 💕

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I loved blogger back in the day. It’s was such a fun place to be wasn’t it!

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I am definitely adding your book to my list. What you've written here is so helpful and reassuring, thank you.

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This is excellent ... Number 10 is our watchword but all of your points hit the spot, perfectly. Thank you. Barrie

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I love your story telling book it completely shifted my thinking, it made me think story first. Even though I write about Sri Lankan food there a rich story to be told about history, people, culture, migration ...thank you so much your book is by my bed. Reminds me I need to dip in and read it again. And, thanks for your beautiful words. 🙏🏾

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Beautiful Laura. You are such a beacon of generosity in this space.

I love what you write about what we choose to hone in - the moments that bring us serenity - that’s topical for me. My youngest has a virus and I’ve created outside of the chaos of that this week. It’s soothed me because I’ve needed that for my own wellbeing. It’s helped me feel calm and accomplished and deal with the stress of it all, the laundry and my empty tummy from being so over stimulated by it all I’ve missed meals. Creativity is my life force especially in harder times I think. ✨💫🧚‍♀️

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I recently finished reading your book (it was very encouraging and helpful!). I love all of these points, but right now #5 rings truest for me. I’ve been noticing that my art, photos and writing (on the various platforms I use) are getting less engagement than ever. It’s quite discouraging and I have to remember that ultimately I’m doing this for myself. If other people want to join me (and I hope they do) I have to trust I’ll find them eventually. But it’s hard when I pour hours and energy into something that no one sees. Still, I shall persist!

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