Am looking forward to reading this when it comes out. Fog was a big part of my childhood natural landscape, and the book sounds wonderful.

But/and when I looked at the short description just now, was stunned and upset to learn from it that the number of fogs that occur in the world is diminishing.

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Thank you Linnesby. I was surprised too, when I researched the book. I think even meteorologists can’t predict for certain but it does seem to be declining, particularly in coastal areas like San Francisco—there was an interesting article in the NYT a couple of years ago about that particular fog.

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Oh no. That's the precise fog I was thinking of, as it happens. Wrote about it just the other day. Truly upsetting. Will look for the Times article, thanks. And preorder the book.

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Found the article.

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Can't WAIT for my copy to come in!!! It's going to be my cozy fall book, such an interesting concept 🥰

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Cosy fall book, yes! Thank you so much, Kaci.

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I have my order in at Blackwell’s and, while I wait for its arrival, I’m re-reading Small Stories…😊

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Ahh, I love that!

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That’s the second book I’ve pre-ordered today 😂. Good luck with it all. Reading your post has inspired me to get my proposal finished. It’s been way too long in the making ….. I can’t find a 1000 reasons why but none get it done 🤷‍♀️

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I know this feeling!

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Yes! Do it! 💫

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I did preorder at my local bookshop but didn’t get a receipt as I didn’t pay yet. But not to worry - I just wish you success. 💚

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That’s fine, I will honour your pre-order! It’s the same in the bookshop where I work.

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Thats really kind - they are a proper local independent. I’ll email when I remember :)

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I can't afford the book right now, but it's on my list for as-soon-as-I-can, otherwise, or meanwhile, I'll be requesting it at my local library once it's out ⭐

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Requesting from the library is wonderful, thank you! 📖

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Wonderful Laura! I have pre-ordered and will email you 💚

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Thank you! I’ve got it! Will reply with the link soon.

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Oh gorgeous! I will Pre order love! On your management of the 30 days - it’s super easy to set up a coupon for that. ✨ DM if you need. 🥰

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Thank you Claire! I’ve messaged you 💚

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Hopping on a train will reply soon xx

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No hurry at all! xx

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Lovely to have just received my proof too; I'm looking forward to reading while on a road trip next week.

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I’m so glad it got to you safely, and I do so hope that you will enjoy it. Have a wonderful trip!

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