I’ve been thinking about a monthly book club.
Having taken you along with me on my book-writing journey, I’d like to offer a chapter by chapter exploration of my book Chasing Fog—a way to make your reading experience more intimate and interactive—a kind of digital version of us sitting around a table together, holding cups of tea, and books with folded-down pages and scribbled marginalia (which are by far my favourite kind of books)!
The Chasing Fog Book Club will start on 17th January, focusing on a chapter each month. It will be a way to explore the book’s locations and themes, to connect with other readers and delve into the stories behind the chapters.
I’d be so grateful if you could answer a few quick questions, to help me understand whether it’s something that would appeal to you, and if so, how best to structure it:
Thank you in advance for your input. If you have any further thoughts or suggestions, please do add them in the comments.
I’m thrilled that so many of you are currently reading the book, I hope you love it. If you do, I’d be wildly grateful if you could take a moment to share a short review on Amazon (you can still do this if your copy was bought from elsewhere, or borrowed). Reviews make a huge difference and help other people find the book. They can be just a sentence or two—they don’t have to be as long as this one:
Thank you for reading,
I would love this and like all your suggestions. Maybe different each month? Only if you like it yourself of course :-)
I agree with Hilda, ( as the last section of the poll only allowed for one item to be selected) I would also be interested in a variety of things - perhaps more on locations and themes, and there may be readers from the localities who have their thoughts to share.